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1.    PREQUALIFYING NEW PREMIUM MEMBERS FOR PROPRIETARY DELIVERABLES.  For the Institution or Qualified Individual seeking to fully research and better understand economic risks that affect market risks and who do not wish to expend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to obtain such reliable decision making information, Macroeconomics Review provides for its Premium Members proprietary macro-accountancy models, graphs and a Macroeconomic Instability Index (MIX) number and accompanying expert narrations of the observed dynamic forces impacting national resource flows to best predict periods of instability and stability, recession and prosperity.   These SERVICES are uniquely based on reliable Government and Fed data.  From these, the copyrighted Premium Member information is delivered continuously as an on-line password protected subscription service and its models are updated as often as the underlying public data becomes available.

Premium Member Services are proprietary.  We also wish to follow all applicable regulations.  Financial Publications and Economic Research are regulated by SEC and FINRA rules.  Therefore, BEFORE A USER-NAME AND PASSWORD ARE ISSUED TO THE NEW PREMIUM MEMBER, TO ASSURE PRE-QUALIFICATION AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE, NO MONETARY TRANSACTION WILL BE COMPLETED UNLESS/UNTIL THE NEW PREMIUM MEMBER HAS REVIEWED SERVICES & PRICING on the ORDER FORM and RECEIVED AN INITIATORY PRESENTATION IN-PERSON OR BY TELECONFERENCE (SKYPE; j.w.carlson1)  Keep the SKYPE contact name for future reference.  Premium Members renewing their subscriptions are exempt from these commencement activities.  The APPLICATION FORM allows the qualified prospective Premium Member to received the required Initiatory Presentation.  To make any other preliminary inquiry for pre-qualifying to become a Premium Member or any other inquiry, please Click CONTACT US.

2.   EXEMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS.  Subject to SEC Regulations and FINRA rules, Macroeconomics Review is NOT a financial advisory or investment banking entity.  It is NOT an investment management company.  Macroeconomics Review makes no asset recommendations.  It is an independent publication accumulating and providing forefront economic posts and by subscription it delivers the most prescient and useful economic analysis for its Premium Members who are qualified public and private asset portfolio policy makers.  By clicking through to compare our PRICING or to review the Premium Member APPLICATION FORM below, you represent and warrant that you are a qualified individual and/or institution and you also hereby agree to the terms and conditions presented on this page and website PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE incorporated herewith.

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4.   VALUE PROPOSITION & COMPETITIVE PRICING.   Having relevant precognition of the macroeconomy is something of great worth.   In that regard, Macroeconomics Review’s research competes with the alternative research likes of Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI), Evercore-ISI and others.  Unlike them, we provide value and simplicity of engagement.  For Macroeconomics Review subscribers, one gets to see non-public information and the underlying macroeconomic models having twice the accuracy at one-fifth the subscription cost compared to the others.   With as much as two-years of foreshadowing with triggers, Macroeconomic Review’s models have predicted all periods of prosperity and U.S. recession since 1979.  Premium Members have the choice to subscribe to timely Premium Content under the TERMS OF USE of this website or to directly license the core intellectual property of the author to develop their own in-house parallel forecasting implementations subject to licensing non-disclosure and non-compete provisions.

5.  SCHEDULE OF SERVICE DELIVERABLES AND PRICING.  Shopping for the best services is important.  Macroeconomics Review delivers knowledge, tools and user relationships.  A service experience compared to what?  With approximately comparative pricing equivalency between them, consider the cost of (a) taking a semester-long Masters-level educational course, or (b) the cost of a professional seminar for annual re-certification, or (c) the average cost of a cloud-based enterprise software package.  Compared to those three coincident values, for combined PRICING of our 3-in-1 services, read the following fillable and printable Premium Member email APPLICATION FORM.